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Teaching Objectives

Curriculum Map

Education Target


The Educational Targets of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Educational Targets: Connect core sciences with industry applications and nurture electronics specialists who can apply the latest technologies. Turn out students who understand both theory and practice while valuing professionalism and ethics. They will also be innovative and possess an international perspective.

I. Nurture students’ mastery of theory and lifelong learning ability

  • Equip them with the ability to design, analyze and calculate to expand their engineering expertise.
  • Equip them with the ability to achieve further development.
  • Equip them with the ability to use Internet and library resources.
  • Instill in them the ability and spirit of continuous learning.

II. Nurture students’ practical and creative abilities

  • Equip them with the ability to design, execute, experiment and analyze data.
  • Equip them with the ability to think innovatively with an open mind.
  • Equip them with the ability to carry out project planning.

III. Nurture student’s international perspective and communication skills

  • Equip them with the ability to read documents and communicate fluently in English.
  • Equip them with an international perspective in their professional skills.
  • Equip them with a responsible attitude in their work and team spirit.
  • Equip them with management and leadership skills.

IV. Nurture students’ sense of social responsibility and professional ethics

  • Teach them to understand their social and environmental responsibility.
  • Teach them to have a well-developed sense of professional ethics.



The teaching character of the department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

  • Set up a clear goal for education and students core capability. Then, build up a continuing improvement scheme.

  • Follow the developing trend of electronic technology to update the courses.
  • Concentrate on theory and practice simultaneously, we offer both the basic and application courses. We have thirteen practical courses and students must choose some from them. Also, the student must work on some special topic under the supervision of one professor for one year.

  • There are three teaching groups: The Computer Engineering, Electronic System and Optoelectronic/Semiconductor.
  • An advisory committee is formed by experts graduated from our department and specialists in all fields. They support all suggestion about the development and the teaching character of the department. They also help us to set up courses which will support the needs of our industry.
  • Enforce the teaching resource of Internet education.
  • Encourage the students to write papers and create new technology to participate the conference and contest of practical application.
  • According to different sources of students, open all kinds of adaptation courses to upgrade the results of education.


Kernel Ability


Core Student Abilities

I. Basic Abilities

  • Ability to use tools and equipment
  • Ability to use computers and the Internet
  • Ability to use mathematical methods to solve electronic engineering problems
  • Ability to carry out projects and write reports
  • Ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language

II. Core Professional Abilities

  • Ability to design electronic circuits
  • Ability to program
  • Ability to use instruments and measurement methods
  • Ability to design embedded systems
  • Ability to use systems and components
  • Ability to design systems and components
  • Ability to manufacture systems and components
  • Ability to simulate and analyze systems and components
  • Ability to use and apply signal processing
  • Ability to integrate and test systems

III. Application Abilities

  • Have a professional understanding of the basics in communication and coordination
  • Have the ability to read professional publications and technical manuals
  • Have an understanding of work safety and hygiene
  • Have a working knowledge of the relevant laws and regulations
  • Have an understanding of the industry’s state of development
  • Have the ability to read patent documentation