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[Lecture] 1st Oct. Online Lecture, Topic: the Big Family of IEEE


the Big Family of IEEE

Silvano Donati

Emeritus Professor, University of Pavia

Visiting, HiSiPIC at NTUST (Taipei)

October 1st 2024, 5:00 pm (Taiwan time)

Online streaming on Zoom:


    ID: 955 8234 7669 Access Code: 011024

Abstract: The IEEE is the largest scientific Society in the world, representing the scientific and technical community of Electrical and Electronic and Computer Science engineers, totaling 450,000 members distributed worldwide almost equally among Universities, Research Centers and Companies. The IEEE publishes 195 scientific Journals and Magazines, runs 1500 international conferences each year, and is present in virtually any Country of the world through a number of Section, Chapters, and Student Branches. In this talk a short history of the IEEE will be presented, starting from the pioneers: Volta, Ampere, Faraday, Ohm, Maxwell, Pacinotti, and Marconi, to the Founders Edison and Bell. Thereafter, an insight will be given to the territorial and specialty organization, with the Italy Section formed in 1958 by Mario Chou the inventor of the first Olivetti computer and  the Taipei Section founded in 1974 by Lok Lin. Last, a short excursus on the IEEE Italy Section and the Photonics Chapter activity will conclude the talk.

Silvano Donati (M’75, SM98, F03, LF09) has been Chair Professor of University of Pavia from 1980 to 2014, and became Emeritus in 2015. He has authored or co-authored 350+ papers and holds a dozen patents. He has authored two books, Photodetectors’ and Electro-Optical Instrumentation’. He has received several awards from the AEIT and IEEE, in particular the Marconi medal of AEIT, the Aaron Kressel Award and the Distinguished Service Award of the IEEE Photonics Society. He was the founding Chairman (1997) of the Italian LEOS Chapter, LEOS VP Region 8 Membership (2002-04) and BoG (2004-06), and the Chairman of the IEEE Italy Section (2008-09). He has been Visiting Professor at several Universities of Taiwan. Prof. Donati is Life Member of SPIE, Life Fellow of the IEEE, and OSA Emeritus Fellow. See more at http://www.unipv.it/donati and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvano_Donati.

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